miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Requisicion de Oficiales

Se solicitan voluntarios para trabajar en los eventos relacionados a la federación Puertiqueña de Hockey sus clubes y eventos en los que sea invitada la federación.

disponibilidad para trabajar sábados, domingos y en los días de semana por las noches.

si deseas dejar una marca en el desarrollo del deporte esta es tu oportunidad.
para informacion comuniquese al:
787-640-8298 Victor Martinez
787-460-9479 Hector Mota Rios

lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010

Umpiring Course

South American Umpires Seminar

22 noviembre 2010

The South American seminar will be targeted towards all PAHF Umpires from its Spanish speaking countries who have attained their FIH International Badge and it will be held from July 08-10, 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

This seminar will be conducted entirely in Spanish.

More details will be provided later.

PAHF International Umpires Seminar

21 noviembre 2010

The Pan American Hockey Federation Umpiring Committee (PAHF UC) is pleased to announce a seminar for our FIH International Umpires.

Participants: The seminar is opened to all PAHF Umpires who have attained their FIH International Badge. This Seminar will be conducted in English and be held from December 10-12, 2010 at the Crown Plaza, Miami International Airport, (950 NW Lejeune Road, Miami, Florida, 33126). Participants should plan to arrive by 2:00pm on Friday 10, December 2010, and to leave by 2:00pm on Sunday 12, December, 2010.

Facilitator: Jane Nockolds will be the feature presenter.

Content: The sessions will be a combination of group work and presentation, interaction and discussions, understanding the game, interpretations, consistency in decision making and game management.

Accommodation and Hotel Information: We have reserved a block of rooms at the Crowne Plaza, Miami International Airport (MIA) and at a negotiated rate of USD$107.35 (single or double occupancy). The price includes taxes and a deluxe continental breakfast for 2 persons per room. We are encouraging umpires attending the seminar to room with another umpire if possible. To assist with this, an email list of participants will be forwarded to all those registered for the seminar after the deadline registration date. Hotel Contact: Angela Rojas, Sales Manager, Direct Telephone: 305-446-9000 x 3102, Fax: 305-447-1189. e-mail: Angela.Rojas@ihg.com, website: www.miamifl.crowneplaza.com

Transportation: Free shuttle service is available from the airport to hotel and return

Participants will be responsible for all travel to MIA and for lunches/dinners.

Registration & Seminar Fees: All participants should register with PAHF UC Secretary: Gus Soteriades at gus@soteriades.com. There will be ZERO participation fee.

All non United States participants must have a valid passport and you may also require a Visa which you are responsible for obtaining. Please visit the US Department of State website if you need any further information – http://travel.state.gov/visa/visa_1750.html.

Umpires interested should contact Roger St. Rose (Chair) at rogerstrose@hotmail.com.

PAHF Umpiring Course

13 marzo 2010

PAHF Umpiring Course

March 17-19 - Montevideo, Uruguay

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Curso de Arbitros

Este curso es aprobado por la FPH

Lugar: Roberto Gotay Hockey Center

Dia: Lunes 15

Hora: 7:30pm

Recurso: Carlos Ríos

nivel: Básico

Calificación: Se otorgara un certificado de Arbitro nivel 1.

Inscripciones debe escribir a vemarcelay@gmail.com o hmottarios14@yahoo.com

Fecha Limite de Inscripción: viernes 12 noviembre 2010

Costo: toda persona que tome el curso deberá trabajar por lo menos en un torneo de la federación durante el año 2011

Esta certificación le dará el derecho a ser arbitro en los torneos administrados por la UPOH. eje.(torneos de la FPH, Torneos de clubes que nos soliciten administración, entre otros.)

Les invita

Victor Martinez Arcelay
Presidente Interino UPOH

martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Jueza Internacional

La Juez Katherine Perez Santiago de la UPOH fue invitada al youth Panam Championship 2010 (fem) en Montevideo Uruguay del 10-20 de marzo 2010


foto de Quico Anderson.

En estas fotos podran apreciar a Katherine en sus funciones como juez.

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009